Italy: 2014

Italy Turin, Milan / Bergamo / Mantova, Florence, Padova, Rome, and other locations, Italy

Rete Genitori Rainbow (RGR)  the Italian  association of  gay, lesbian, bi and transexual parents with children from previous heterosexual relationships will celebrate IFED promoting a conference on Equality and family diversity. Sunday May 4th, the Rainbow Parents Network will celebrate IFED 2014 with social public events setup in public places in different cities: Turin, Milan / Bergamo / Mantova, Florence, […]

Salerno Italy: 2015

Salerno Salerno, Italy

The 3rd of May 2015, Famiglie Arcobaleno, the Italian association of homosexual parents, will make IFED ( the International Family Equality Day) coincide with the 7th edition of its main annual event, the Festa delle Famiglie wich is the celebration of all kind of families.  This year the Festa delle Famiglie will take place in Salerno, a city in the […]

IFED Celebration Italy, Milan

Piazza del Cannone Milan, Italy

MILAN – ITALY 2016 On April 30th 2016, Famiglie Arcobaleno, the Italian association of homosexual parents, will make IFED (the International Family Equality Day) coincide with the 8th edition of its main annual event, the Festa delle Famiglie which is a national celebration of all kind of families.  This year the Festa delle Famiglie will take place in Milan and […]

IFED Celebration Italy 2017

IFED 2017 The 7th of May 2017 Famiglie Arcobaleno, the Italian association of homosexual parents, will celebrate IFED (the International Family Equality Day) that will coincide with the 9th edition of its main annual event, the Festa delle Famiglie.  During this important event, we will celebrate all types of families – those made by a mother and a father, by […]

IFED Celebration, Italy

IFED 2018 The 6th of May 2018 Famiglie Arcobaleno, the Italian association of homosexual parents, will celebrate IFED (the International Family Equality Day) that will coincide with the 10th edition of its main annual event, the Festa delle Famiglie.  The slogan of this year celebration is: “all children are equal. Equal rights for everybody”. “Today in Italy - explains the […]

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In 2023 IFED was celebrated in 258 Towns in 78 Countries. Greetings to all LGBTIQ* Families, related, friends, activists out there.

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