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Celebrate The International Family Equality Day (IFED) with us!
30. April 2016I13:00 - 15:30 CEST
We are finally having a real party!!
Saturday the 30th of April we are celebrating International Family Equality Day for the first time in Sweden. This is a day that is celebrated all over the world to bring visibility to lgbtq families and of course we are doing that too! We will have decorations, balloons, face paints, banner-making and just all having a celebration. We are also via Skype celebrate this day with other organisations all over the world.
So we are now asking you to come celebrate with us!
Do you want to get involved? Do you have ideas of what else we can do at the party or maybe coming events? Maybe you want to come earlier to help us decorate the place or help prepare? Then of course you should! Email us on Facebook or at hbtqfamiljer@stockholm.rfsl.se and we’ll talk soon.
TIME: Saturday the 30th of April 13:00-15:30.
PLACE: RFSL Huset at Sveavägen 59 1 floor up. Call on the intercom and we will come let you in. There are lifts and we will have a room for prams indoors. The nearest subway station is Rådmansgatan. You don’t need to sign up to participate, you can just stop by.
Everyone is welcome here so we ask anyone who are on our premises to avoid strong scents and nuts. We have co-workers who have severe allergies.
You are very welcome here!