A Lesbian Feminist Women Human Right Defender, committed with strong passion to build peoples’ movements to advance human right, Gender and SOGIESC justice. Have 15 years experiences of working to empower youth and the people from the most marginalised community included LGBTIQ, indigenous people, ethnic minority, young women and girl, stateless, undocumented refugee, sex worker, disability and migrant workers as well as advocate for family equality for LGBTIQ parents.
14 years experiences in working as a Founder and Executive Director of Aangsan Anakot Yawachon Development Project (Sangsan Anakot Yawachon Facebook Page) in order to empower more than 3,000 young indigenous people through human right education and provides scholarship supports for more than a thousand indigenous students which nearly 60 of them graduated from many universities and slowly returning home as a change maker, at the ongoing armed conflict area : Thailand – Myanmar – Karen State border.
3 year experiences working as a president of board of director of APWLD – Asia – Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
2 Year experiences working as a board of director Internation Femily Equality Day
2 Year experiences working as a president of board of director ILGA ASIA Foundation.
5 years experiences actively involving with peoples’ movement at the regional platform from diverse constituencies in South East Asia, Asia and the Pacific;
- ACSC/APF – ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People Forum
- ILGA World and ILGA Asia (the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association world conference and Asia Conference)
- APFF – Asia Pacific Feminist Forum
- APWLD – Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (a leading feminist regional network in Asia and Pacific)
- AP-RCEM – Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (The platform of CSOs in Asia and Pacific, comprised of 17 constituencies and 5 sub-regions)
- APRFF – Asia – Pacific Rainbow Families Forum (The LGBTIQ parents, Asia and the Pacific Network)
6 Years experiences in mobilising the peoples’ movement for justice included LGBTIQ, indigenous people, ethnic minority, young women and girl, stateless, undocumented refugee, sex worker, disability and migrant worker in all levels (community, national and regional level)
- Introduced and implemented holistic approach : Gender and SOGIESC perspective and Human Right Approach through the peoples’ movement
- Created public event, seminar, training, meeting, workshop and conference to empower peoples and strengthening divert movement in order to develop policy advocacy and public campaign by collectively leaders and voices to defend their right at all levels
- Monitoring and Evaluation with documented success in designing and implementing effective and comprehensive program of people empowering and policy advocacy and public campaign
- Localised global campaign such as One Billion Rising, Stop Bullying in the school and Purple my school campaign
4 years experiences in engaged with UN Mechanism such as UPR, ICCPR, CEDAW, Business and Human Right, Special procedures and Independent Expert in order to addresses human right situation, discrimination and violation that the people from the most marginalised community faced as well as follow up and monitoring of the recommendations through that mechanism.