• The IFED is a official LGBT awareness day
  • Each year since 2012, the first Sunday of May marks the celebration of the International Family Equality Day
  • Celebrates the Diversity of Families globaly
  • The Council of Europe recognises the IFED as an important tool to combat homophobia and transphobia and to promote a tolerant and cohesive society.
  • Everybody can join the IFED Creative Network
  • IFED was incorporated under Swiss law as an international non-profit association on 1 May 2018
  • Support IFED, become a member
  • Next IFED celebration: 5 May 2024 «Motto: WE ARE FAMILY!»
  • IFED grows 🙂

    AGENDA 2030: IFED falls under the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

    Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

    Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

    IFED history

    12. IFED (May 7th, 2023)

    17. May 2023

    12. IFED (May 7th, 2023)

    International Family Equality Day 2023: Power Up Families With the motto “Power up families”, this year’s IFED calls on all families to embrace their uniqueness and to stand up to claim equality and justice. Join in the 12th edition of IFED and help powering up all types of families! The beauty of mutual empowerment This year’s IFED celebration emphasizes the fact that families can only thrive when their members intentionally commit and contribute to the wellbeing of the family. “By sharing our time, goals, challenges and memories and through open and honest communication, we power up our families”, says IFED-founder Maria von Känel (Switzerland), adding that “by making our families stronger, our families make us stronger in return. We all need to welcome and respect our differences and cultivate our readiness to grow together – both in the context of our families as well as…

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    11. IFED (May 1st, 2022)

    8. May 2022

    11. IFED (May 1st, 2022)

    International Family Equality Day 2022: Family equality is everybody’s business This year’s IFED motto, “Family equality is everybody’s business”, invites everyone to celebrate diversity and support families in all their colors and forms. “In many ways, rainbow families’ everyday life is the same as for traditional families,” says IFED Co-President Matcha Phorn-In. “And yet, too many of us still experience discrimination on a daily basis – whether it means being denied parental leave or needing authorization to pick up your own child from school, whether it is not being represented on official forms or, worse, having to hide your family for fear of prosecution, to name just a few examples. Rainbow families are just families, but the difference lies in the fact that in many Asian countries, e.g. Thailand, the lack of marriage equality also means a lack of economic, social, cultural support and protections. As the right to family life is a basic human right for all citizens regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics, advancing that right through marriage equality is everyone’s business.”

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    10. IFED (May 2nd, 2021)

    18. May 2021

    10. IFED (May 2nd, 2021)

    International Family Equality Day 2021: Being our authentic best The motto of this year’s IFED edition was “Being our authentic best”. It emphasized how crucial it is for all rainbow families to be visible as well as proud of who they are and of the family they have built, irrespective of what may be considered conventional in society. “Family is such an integral pillar in life”, says IFED Co-President Benny Odongo (Kenya). “The definition of the term, however, doesn’t matter. What counts are our families, our history as well as the loving bonds and support systems that we create.”

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    9. IFED (May 3rd, 2020)

    5. May 2020

    9. IFED (May 3rd, 2020)

    International Family Equality Day 2020: Family Diversity in Education Join this year’s IFED celebration and help strengthening our call for representation of family diversity in the educational systems all across the globe. Despite the challenges arising from the Covid-19 crisis, the International Family Equality Day (IFED) will be celebrated joyfully on the 3rd of May, with this year’s motto focusing on the need to integrate the idea of family diversity in the education system.

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    8. IFED (May 5th, 2019)

    14. August 2019

    8. IFED (May 5th, 2019)

    Under the motto “United We Stand”, the IFED 2019 emphasizes the motivation and strength that grow from standing together and supporting one another. “It can be incredibly powerful when people are united in a cause.“The upcoming celebration of this special day will send out a joyful message of encouragement.”

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    7. IFED (May 6th, 2018)

    8. September 2018

    7. IFED (May 6th, 2018)

    «Children’s Rights Matter» In a successful event hosted by the City of Geneva, the new NGO “International Family Equality Day” was officially launched at the beginning of May. Second Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum 2017 in Hong Kong. Hosted By: Planet Ally and International Family Equality Day. Impressions.

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    6. IFED (May 7th, 2017)

    2. May 2017

    «LOVE MAKES A FAMILY» First Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum 2017 in Hong Kong. Hosted By: Planet Ally and International Family Equality Day. Impressions. First International Exhibition «FAMILIES» By: Rainbow Cities Network A report into experiences of discrimination faced by LGBTIQ parented families when accessing NSW State Government services. By: Rainbow Families Australia

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    5. IFED (May 1st, 2016)

    1. May 2016

    «Families Without Borders» The Council of Europe recognises the IFED as an important tool to combat homophobia and transphobia and to promote a tolerant and cohesive society. In its 2015 report, as well as in its compendium of good practices of 2016, it highlights IFED as an opportunity to create visibility for LGBT communities, thereby raising awareness of sexual orientation and gender identity.

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    4. IFED (May 3rd, 2015)

    3. May 2015

    4. IFED (May 3rd, 2015)

    «Bringing visibility to family diversity» International Family Equality Day (IFED) celebrated at the European Parliament for the first time. The event was made possible with the support of the Intergroup on LGBT Rights of the European Parliament. A conference addressed in particular the situation of European rainbow families as regards freedom of movement, calling on European Union institutions to take all the necessary measures to make freedom of movement also a reality for rainbow families.

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    3. IFED (May 4th, 2014)

    4. May 2014

    Welcoming Family Diversity!

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    2. IFED (May 5th, 2013)

    5. May 2013

    «Celebrating the Rainbow of Families Around the World!»

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    1. IFED (May 6th, 2012)

    6. May 2012

    Regardless of different legal, political and social circumstances around the world, the dramatic increase in the numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, trans and queer (LGBTIQ*d) people choosing to raise children is a global phenomenon. The International Family Equality Day (IFED) was launched as a sign of solidarity and strength and to promote equality for all families. On 6 May 2012, several events were held throughout Europe, Canada and the U.S. Families, friends, interested parties, experts from government agencies and other institutions as well as politicians and representatives…

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    First International Symposium of LGBTQ parenting

    1. July 2011

    First International Symposium of LGBTQ parenting

    LGBTQ family activists from around the world gathered for the first ever International Symposium of LGBTQ parenting organizations in Florida. The symposium provided an opportunity to establish ongoing international cooperation in areas such as research, visibility and advocacy, and the development of resources and programs for LGBTQ families worldwide. It was led by Family Equality Council, America’s foremost advocate for LGBT families, the Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations (NELFA) and the Canadian LGBT Parenting Network based in Toronto. One of the…

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    Creation of IFED Logo

    1. April 2011

    Creation of IFED Logo

    In April 2011, Virginie TOURNIER-BROER creates the official IFED Logo.

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    Birth of IFED

    28. November 2010

    Birth of IFED

    “I am very happy that the representatives of local and regional authorities in Europe recognise the importance of celebrating diversity, including family diversity, and that they have included IFED among the list of activities that can be developed locally to promote a culture of acceptance in our towns and regions.”   Maria von Känel was founder of the day, and acted as coordinator of the IFED network and editor of the IFED Annual Reports since the first IFED celebration in 2012. The idea to create a special day once a year to celebrate and highlighting the diversity of families all over the world came to her in the course of her ongoing work on behalf of LGBT family rights in Switzerland.

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    Our supporters:    

    Copyright © 2024 International Family Equality Day. All rights reserved.

    In 2023 IFED was celebrated in 258 Towns in 78 Countries. Greetings to all LGBTIQ* Families, related, friends, activists out there.

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