IFED Bylaws

The IFED NGO was incorporated under Swiss law as an international non-profit association on 1 May 2018.
Founded to further promote and support the IFED.

The main goals of the newly established association are, on one hand, to ensure that the IFED remains a neutral event, unbranded, open to everybody; on the other hand, to mobilize all possible parties – from grassroots organizations to politicians, from volunteers to governmental authorities – so as to increase the scope and diversity of the awareness day. By enhancing IFED visibility, the NGO will boost the impact of its ideas and ideals on the global public opinion and decision makers.

The new association will also make it easier for cities, organizations and individuals to get engaged with IFED contributing to promoting equal rights for rainbow families worldwide.

IFED goals & mission:

    • Raise awareness, provide advocacy, empower, demand social and legal acceptance for our families, and celebrate family diversity worldwide.
    • Ensure that IFED remains a neutral, unbranded event open to everybody – IFED as an official LGBT awareness day
    • General mobilization to increase IFED’s scope and diversity. Until now this has happened almost exclusively at regional and international levels, in order not to interfere with national strategies. We’ve also had a specific focus on engaging allies via the annual global focus issues.
    • Highlight the scope and diversity of IFED mobilization (so that this visibility impacts global public opinion and decision makers). This has been done via our IFED global website, Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram and the IFED Annual Report.

The IFED movement’s visibility trough the IFED website, along with the possibility to easily get engaged, will also strengthen the day’s potential as a world-wide movement.

Become a member
Everybody wishing to be part of it can join and support the IFED. Membership to individual and entities will be open as of next month at the following website: https://internationalfamilyequalityday.org/become-a-member/ 

By showing support to IFED advocacy work, everyone can do their part in contributing to empower rainbow families across the globe to be out, proud and in furthering social change.

IFED Bylaws FRENCH, 1 May 2018
IFED Bylaws ENGLISH, 1 May 2018

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Copyright © 2024 International Family Equality Day. All rights reserved.

In 2023 IFED was celebrated in 258 Towns in 78 Countries. Greetings to all LGBTIQ* Families, related, friends, activists out there.

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