Hello! Our Group “Regenbogenfamilien Oberösterreich” exists since 2011 in Linz/Austria. In spring 2015 we joined “FAmOs”. Last May we celebrated the IFED for the first time and it was really a great experience! The feeling that we are not alone is overwhelming and warms our hearts. Our Group in Linz has about 30 participants (including 8 Kids/ +2 almost born) – expanding every month! We are really looking forward to the next IFED! We are unstoppable! Thanks for bringing IFED to Life!
Lisa Rücker: “I invite other city councilors in Austria and other Countries to follow our example in 2016 and celebrate IFED to strenghten the cohesion within the society and to push on social change.”
The Weather was windy and for the beginning of May the temperature felt a little bit too cold. So it does not seem to be the perfect day for a picnic.
But we were prepared for everything and absolutely wanted to celebrate for the first time IFED in Graz on the 3rd of May. In the middle of the town in a public parc called Augarten we wanted to show how colourful our city can present itself. Around 100 persons showed up and we chatted, laughed and played together and enjoyed Pretzels, cakes and other delicious stuff. Fratz Graz was arranged for the children’s entertainment and they offered the kids a funny afternoon with playing games and fanciful face paintings. The Berki Trio played traditional Roma and Gypsy Swing music for the older kids, parents and adults and animated us to dance. The people who participated in the picnic were totally divers. There were rainbowfamilies, Patchwork families, friends from the LGBT community and straight allies. Two muslim families who were already in the parc also joined our picnic. It was a full success and our hilarious ambiance even kept the rain away from us. We are looking forward to celebrate IFED again next year!
Lisa Rücker is city councilor in Graz, also member of Grüne Andersrum, the queer organization of the Green Party and lives openly gay with her two daughters.
“For me as a green politician it is important to put a sign in public space, to show the variety and visibility of all forms of families. Nowadays exists much more than the single family model of father-mother-child.
Family should not be defined according to the sexuality or gender identity of the parents. Rainbowfamilies are families as any other families are and should enjoy equal rights and recognition.
IFED is an important sign for inclusion because together we create a great strong family network.
I invite other city councilors in Austria to follow our example in 2016 and celebrate IFED to strenghten the cohesion within the society and to push on social change.”