When I was young, marriage was nowhere on my list. Not in my love life, not in my political life, and certainly not in my family life. The question from Auntie Georgie (gender neutrality intended) “And when are YOU getting married?” was forever dreaded, unanswered and unanswerable. What could you say? “Not until I can marry my boyfriend” was not even understandable as a joke. So we didn’t even joke about it.
And here’s my wedding pic, year 2014. In the crowd: my mum, my brother, sister in law, nephew and niece. My partner’s mum and dad, his two brothers and all their partners and kids. Our daughter handed us the wedding rings. Both her mums were also there, of course.
Are you getting a bit lost? well, that’s the genius of families today: they are not pre-formatted boxes you have to fit into. They are your own creation. Freedom is not to everyone’s liking. We hear this every day. But my family is our own creation. It’s there. It’s happy. And that’s it.